Marie Laveau
What's So Special About Bergamot?
I lived right down in the heart of what they called Hoodoo land, in the same block as Marie Laveau. She was a Hoodoo queen and was nice and good...
Marie Laveau's Obituary
At 5 o'clock yesterday evening Marie Laveau was buried in her family tomb in St. Louis Cemetery No. 1. Her remains were followed to the grave by a large concourse...
Better Business Advice from the Voodoo Queen about the Business of Conjure
Aside from practical advice, there are a number of magickal approaches you could take to improve your bottom line. Today, I want to share six ways to improve your business...
Forbidden Knowledge: To Share or Not to Share, that is the Question
One of the purposes of this blog is to have a space to share some of the more controversial workings and receipts that are found in Hoodoo and New Orleans...
The Marie Laveau Voodoo Grimoire
The Marie Laveau Voodoo Grimoire combines a practical domestic receipt book and a magickal grimoire in one concise, functional tome. The information is candidly presented, and the instructions for everything from...
Ways to Work with Marie Laveau
There are many ways to live a life of devotion in the path of Marie Laveau. Find your skills, your creativity, and your passion, and volunteer in ways that show...
The Complex Legacy of Marie Laveau: Slave Ownership, Resistance, and Underground Railroad Connections
Few know that Marie Laveau and her domestic partner, Christophe Glapion, were slave owners. In fact, during the early 19th century, owning slaves was not uncommon for free people of...