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Ways to Work with Marie Laveau

Ways to Work with Marie Laveau

There are many ways to live a life of devotion in the path of Marie Laveau. Find your skills, your creativity, and your passion, and volunteer in ways that show it. Being a volunteer rosary maker is one way I do this. Every rosary made is an act of devotion consistent with her legacy. It is something I can do as someone with a chronic illness where committing to going to the soup kitchen or something similar isn’t an option. I can make these from my bed when I’m not feeling well or wherever when I’m feeling good. It doesn’t cost me anything but time, as the club sends the supplies to its members.

Another way of being charitable is to add that dollar to your pizza or grocery purchase for sick kids. But one of my favorite ways to walk the talk is to create bags of helpful necessities to give to homeless people: canned food (be sure to choose cans that don’t require a can opener; otherwise, include a can opener), water, toilet paper, soap, socks, wipes, a list of local services, a handwritten affirmation . . . you get the idea. Make bags for women, with feminine hygiene products and lip gloss. Also, prepare some bags with dog food and a sweater for folks with dogs. Prepare them in advance to keep in your car, so that you may give when you see someone in need.

Another way to be charitable that I really love is to be a secret conjure saint. This is great for folks with a little extra cash to spare and is a variation of the popular Blessed Bucks Spell that was apparently started in 1989 by a Wiccan woman who went by the internet screen name Tiger Lilly. The idea is to bless some money by writing the following on each bill: “May you be blessed with health, wealth, and joy.” Then secretly leave the money where others will find it. According to the Wiccan Rule of Three, everything you do comes back to you threefold, so when you do this, it is said you will be blessed in triplicate.

My version of blessed money is more in alignment with the Marie Laveau path of devotion. Take some dollar bills in whatever denomination you can afford and wash them in a mild solution of soap and water to which a dash of Florida Water or Hoyt’s Cologne has been added. Lay them out to dry and iron flat. Then, anoint each of the four corners in addition to the center of the dollar billwith Abundance Oil (petitions may be fixed this way as well). This is called fixing your money. You may write a blessing on the dollar bill, if you wish. Now, take the bills and leave them in places in stores where people will likely find them. For example, tape one to a package of diapers, insert one in a new purse or wallet, stick one in a coat pocket, or place one in a book. Hiding the money must be a covert activity, so be sure that no one sees what you are doing. What you are doing here is giving blessings without attachment. From this act of generosity comes a rush of adrenaline and dopamine, as you feel the joy in giving with no expectations. Imagine people’s reactions when they find one! A wonderful side effect of this activity is that you will often find you are blessed in return in ways you would never expect. This, of course, is the Law of Attraction at work, where everything you do attracts like energy.

Barring any of the above ideas, there are a multitude of ways you can serve your community. Volunteer at a local animal shelter. Volunteer to rock babies at a local hospital. Volunteer at your local community garden or start one if there isn’t one in your neighborhood. Crochet blankets for the needy. Help out your local veterans. If you are a professional, offer pro bono services on occasion. Check out the classifieds, and ask around to see where you might fit in. There is a place for everyone. If you can’t find something, you either aren’t looking hard enough or want the easy way out. Woe is you should the latter be your motivation.

These are just a few ideas you can implement to live as a Marie Laveau devotee. Consciously incorporate random acts of kindness in your life whenever the opportunity presents itself. Pay things forward in honor of Marie Laveau. Humanity and charity must come first; magick is second. The magick does not matter if you don’t do charity work of some sort when following the path of a Marie Laveau devotee. Once charity is a natural part of your life, the magick you perform in her name will be unparalleled.

Now you have an idea of what it means to become a devotee of Marie Laveau. If you are not sure this is the path for you, simply read the information and think about it. There is always time to serve her should you decide you want to give it a try. If and when you are ready, the next step is creating an altar for her so that you can begin developing a regular devotional service to her.

If you are interested in serious study of Marie Laveau and her path of New Orleans Voudou, consider one of three courses at Crossroads University.

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