Cultural Education
Cultural Heritage Courses
Advanced cultural heritage studies for life-long learners

Black Hawk Master Class
Find an authentic perspective on Black Hawk's role in fighting oppression and his adoption across various spiritual traditions. Participants will gain unique insights into working with Black Hawk, free from the stereotypes and misinformation often found in modern conjure circles.

Candle Magick Master Class
Crossroads University's Candle Magick Master Class offers a transformative journey from novice to adept, empowering you to harness the ancient art of candle magick for healing, manifestation, and leading a purpose-driven, magickal lifestyle.

Conjure Club 1
Conjure Club offers exclusive, original content on traditional conjure practices, providing members with a structured, year-long education in Southern folk magick, hoodoo, and rootwork, complete with digital downloads, discussions, and direct access to Denise Alvarado for personalized guidance.

Foundations in New Orleans Voudou: Saints and Spirits
Learn about the saints and spirits in the New Orleans Voodoo pantheon, including how to create altars, serve them, and invite their blessings into your life. Explore the histories, characteristics, and spiritual roles of key figures, from revered saints to powerful ancestral spirits.

Intro to Hoodoo, Conjure, and Rootwork
A condensed yet comprehensive exploration of the foundational principles and practices of Hoodoo. This mini course is designed for individuals seeking a solid understanding of Hoodoo's main concepts and rituals, providing a perfect introduction before committing to a more extensive Master course