María Laveau
What's So Special About Bergamot?
I lived right down in the heart of what they called Hoodoo land, in the same block as Marie Laveau. She was a Hoodoo queen and was nice and good...
Marie Laveau's Obituary
At 5 o'clock yesterday evening Marie Laveau was buried in her family tomb in St. Louis Cemetery No. 1. Her remains were followed to the grave by a large concourse...
Better Business Advice from the Voodoo Queen about the Business of Conjure
Aside from practical advice, there are a number of magickal approaches you could take to improve your bottom line. Today, I want to share six ways to improve your business...
Forbidden Knowledge: To Share or Not to Share, that is the Question
One of the purposes of this blog is to have a space to share some of the more controversial workings and receipts that are found in Hoodoo and New Orleans...
The Marie Laveau Voodoo Grimoire
The Marie Laveau Voodoo Grimoire combines a practical domestic receipt book and a magickal grimoire in one concise, functional tome. The information is candidly presented, and the instructions for everything from...
Ways to Work with Marie Laveau
There are many ways to live a life of devotion in the path of Marie Laveau. Find your skills, your creativity, and your passion, and volunteer in ways that show...
El complejo legado de Marie Laveau: propiedad de esclavos, resistencia y conexiones ferroviarias clandestinas
Pocos saben que Marie Laveau y su pareja, Christophe Glapion, eran dueños de esclavos. De hecho, a principios del siglo XIX, poseer esclavos no era algo poco común entre las...